Something Exciting To Torq About

New and exciting things are happening at XCRacer/Scimitar, we have a new sponsor.Torq is probably a name which will need no introduction for most of you so I’ll skip that bit.
Matt Hart, who founded the company way back in 1999 can be found at a very large number of races all year, from the Gorrick12hr, Torq In Your Sleep to the National XCSeries. He should be easy to spot, the massive orange motorhome and gazebos tend to stand out reasonably well, and he is always happy to explain his wares and, even better, usually has a few samples to try.

However, if you find yourself at a race at which he or his staff are not present come and have a word with one of the XCRacer team and we can offer a wee sample and a much less in-depth explanation.
Of course, whenever some new and exciting happens something has to give and so it is time to say a fond farewell to Accelerade.
Everything else remains unchanged and we will continue to be helped by the lovely folks at Mt Zoom, USE/Exposure and Scimitar.

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